The first Marin Family Reunion, as recorded was hosted by Ulysses Martin of Hampton Virginia, consisting mainly of James and Lucinda Martin Branch. At the urging of his children, Isaac Martin of Morristown, New Jersey, established the tradition of including the extended family when he hosted the second Martin Family Reunion in Morristown. The third Martin Family Reunion was hosted by Walter Martin in Detroit, Michigan, and the idea of researching our roots was born.
At this reunion, Isaac donated $200 to the South Carolina family and charged them with the task of holding the next reunion in Jenkinsville, South Carolina, in 1969, the place of our roots. This gesture provided the impetus to begin holding annual family reunions of the extended Martin Family.
Beginning in 1966, the reunions have rotated among the town of Jenkinsville, and the cities of Washington, District of Columbia; New York City; Pittsburg, Long Beach, Miami, Buffalo, Columbus, New Orleans, Arlington, Branson and group cruises.
Our reunion is held every year to coincide with the celebration of the nation’s birth and the triumph over the destructive history of black families wrought by slavery. The history of the Martins reflects the achievement of African Americans in this country. As we celebrate our heritage and kinship, we also proudly recognize the accomplishments of our family members which include lawyers, doctors, judges, scientist, engineers, educators, ministers, bishops, elected officials, actors, entertainers, business entrepreneurs, astronauts, singers, and rappers.
Zona M. Martin
1966 Hampton, VA
1967 Morristown, NJ
1968 Detroit, MI
1969 Jenkinsville, SC
1970 Washington, D.C.
1972 Detroit, MI
1974 Pittsburgh, PA
1975 Columbia, SC
1976 Hampton, VA
1977 Morristown, NJ
1978 New York, NY
1979 Pittsburgh, PA
1981 Washington, D.C.
1982 Detroit, MI
1983 Columbia, SC
1984 New York, NY
1985 Morristown, NJ
1986 Pittsburgh, PA
1987 Washington, D.C.
1988 Hampton, VA
1989 Detroit, MI
1990 Columbia, SC
1991 Long Beach, CA
1992 Miami, FL
1993 Columbus, OH
1994 Buffalo, NY
1995 Pittsburgh, PA
1996 New York, NY
1997 Baltimore, MD
1998 Hampton, VA
1999 Detroit, MI
2000 Columbia, SC
2001 Baltimore, MD
2002 New Orleans, LA
2003 Pittsburgh, PA
2004 New York, NY
2005 Hampton, VA
2006 Arlington, VA
2007 Orlando, FL
2008 Columbia, SC
2009 Detroit, MI
2010 Pittsburgh, PA
2011 Charleston, SC
2012 Atlana, GA
2013 Arlington, VA
2014 Norfolk, VA
2015 Philadelphia, PA
2016 Detroit, MI
2017 Pittsburgh, PA
2018 Jenkinsville, SC
2019 New York, NY
2020 Atlanta, GA